Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
German Anthropological Studies on the Rhine

Well before the NAZI Third Reich, during the Second Reich (and before even the Second Reich), the German people focused upon hate directed against Jews, Gypsies, "Polaks", Lithuanians, Russians, Ottomans, etc. The Germans were hardly unique in their racial "Enlightenment" attitudes learned from different sources, including Emmanuel Kant and Frederick the Great (so admired by Hitler).

Wilhelm II (1890) entered upon a program of overseas (salt-water) African colonies (also including Pacific Ocean colonies, and colonies elsewhere). Thus, this program of colonial aggression was accompanied by racial "Social Darwinian" ignorance. These backward views were a part of the German ideology at the eve of World War I (and persist today). Although Germany lost WWI on the Western Front, Germany was not beaten on the Eastern Front. The terms of the rejected Versailles treaty did not permit a German Army. As a worker's rebellion under Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg appeared imminent (especially due to an Allied-Powers food blockade in Germany), as well as a revolution by Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin) in Russia. The Allied Powers looked the other way as a prohibited "unofficial" army of volunteers called the Freikorps was created.

As WWI was ending, elements of the Freikorps opposed the French as the French occupied the Rhineland. The French imported colonial troops from Morrocco, and Annam (Indochina). The German government used the presence of these dark skinned colonial troops as a basis of racial propaganda, proclaiming a "Shame on the Rhine". The propaganda posters below exemplify the continuity of German politically oriented racial hatred.
  1. Study #1
  2. Study #2
  3. Study #3
  4. Study #4
  5. Study #5
  6. Study #6
  7. Study #7
  8. Study #8
  9. Study #9
  10. Study #10
  11. Scientific Control (actual facts)


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